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behind the brand

In memory of Nikki's contribution to life as a young adult, conscious of ecological concerns, EnsO Earth unveils the JaJa Binksy - Paws for Purpose range of products that seamlessly blends her love for animals into a passion with purpose and action.

+JaJa Binksy


Paws for Purpose

OUR story...


Nikki and my journey started one sunny November afternoon in 2017... I was only 6 weeks old when she found me on the side of the road in the Langrug settlement, where I had been run over by a car and left to die...

but being a kind hearted human, she scoop me up and rushed me to the vet...

I had almost run out of my nine cat lives... and was close to death... I had been on the side of the road for almost two days and was exhausted and dehydrated... my femur had been broken and the skin dislodged from my lower jaw, but they fought to save me...

and in that moment my life was transformed...

in a blink of an eye, I went from the gutter to the lap of luxury...


I went everywhere with Nikki... I would sit on her desk while she worked... and go on cross country road trips for work...


Nikki sadly passed in a car accident and my life changed dramatically again... my Nana came to fetch me and now I live with her and build new memories with her... we travel all over the world, working on saving the planet for the future generations...


in buying these products you have helped make a contribution to ensuring that future...

created with love and gratitude

OUR Story

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Coming Soon

ensOearth +stores will be launching soon to support consumers on their journey towards becoming more earth conscious

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